Thursday 19 March 2009

Charity for personal gain

You know wat i hate? well, probably a lot of things but the thing that is really pissing me off rite now is the fact that my parents want to give charity so that they can gain something. I dont know about other asian parents but my parents are like that. For instance, today i just told them i wanted to go to the 50th anniversary fete. Wat did they say? go take some food so u can give it to them so that ur name will be up there and ull get a better impression from your teachers. I was just silent because i know it is useless arguing with ur parents (although i did convince them im not taking food for that stupid reason and i cbb) but wat i really wanted to say to them was 'NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!' not the teachers not the students fucking hell even i dont care. If u want me to go take food at least give a more noble reason.
U mite be thinking at this point that my parents are just thinking of an excuse because deep down they actually want to be charitable. Well let me say this: They paid $500 to the school building donation thingy so that 'my teachers would get a better impression since ur name and stuff is attached to it' but they didnt give a single cent to the Victorian bushfire appeal.

People who give charity because they think it will bring them good karma are also pathetic. Being charitable because u think their mite be something in it for u is bad. Not only because it is extremely selfish and two-faced, but because u probably wont get wat u were looking for and ull just get angry at the world. And that is why it is a stupid idea.
btw charity for non personal gain is greatly encouraged. Join the Karma Army at the Join Me website and do good deeds every Friday! Join at

P.S. nothing to blog about that funny chem teacher aaron coz we had some lameass boring teacher although i did laugh at him wen he said 'sit down ladies.'
Also graffitied RayRay's book with superhero symbols and Why so serious as well as adding the word 'balls' to the end of 'Marbig'

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